Ask a Naturalist: The Science of Fall Color
Fall is an exquisite season of change that shows one of the more amazing processes in nature. As the days get shorter and shorter, the trees are signaled that their period of growth is at an end.
Ask a Naturalist: Spiders Around Us
Spiders are perhaps nature's most wondrous but misunderstood creatures. Their unique behavior and immense diversity inspire awe to anyone who wants to learn more about them.
Ask a Naturalist: Evening Wonders
Summer gives plenty of time to enjoy the wonders of nature brought on and unraveled by the setting sun.
Ask a Naturalist: Enjoying Bird Sounds
Spring is the best time to listen to and learn to identify bird songs, whether you are walking by Gateway Nature Preserve or elsewhere.
Ask a Naturalist: Wildflowers at Gateway and Beyond
Although the amazing variety of wildflowers is seen in NC throughout the year, nothing paints the landscape in beautiful colors like the spring ephemerals.
Ask a Naturalist: Identifying Fall Trees
These native tree species all grow at the Gateway Nature Preserve, many of them along the Forest Discovery Trail above Salem Creek Greenway.