Girl Scouts


As a Community Partner with the Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont Council, Gateway Nature Preserve offers Girl Scouts opportunities to learn about the outdoors through exploration and skill development.

At Gateway Nature Preserve, Girl Scout troops have explored the Forest Discovery Trail and learned about the value of forests for a healthy environment, completed a tree identification activity and fulfilled Bronze Award project requirements.

Self-Guided Outdoor Girl Scout Badges

Daisy EcoLearner badge

Brownie Bug badge

 Additional nature-themed badges that can be earned at the Preserve include:

  • Trail Adventure (Daisies, Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes)
  • Outdoor Art Maker (Daisies)
  • Eco Friend, Hiker, Outdoor Adventurer and Outdoor Art Creator (Brownies)
  • Animal Habitats, Eco Camper, Flowers, Gardener and Outdoor Art Explorer (Juniors)
  • Eco Trekker, Outdoor Art Apprentice and Trees (Cadettes)
  • Eco Explorer, Outdoor Art Expert and Sky (Seniors)

It’s Your Planet—Love it! Journeys could also take place at Gateway.