Become a Volunteer
Volunteers’ time and talents are what makes Gateway Nature Preserve grow. Whether you enjoy helping with social media, weeding and watering, planning events or working with children, we have a project for you! Students can earn community service hours by signing up below. We also welcome companies and civic groups for service days that build team spirit while creating a place of beauty at Gateway.
How You Can Help
- Join our Pollinator Garden team to work in the garden on Saturdays.
- Help with clean-up efforts on trails and along Salem Creek.
- Share Gateway’s message at the Earth Day Fair and other events.
- Write a nature column or blogpost.
- Help plan events such as our biannual Art Sale.
Register Below to Volunteer for an Event
For first time volunteers, please register by filling out the form and signing the liability waiver linked below.
For returning volunteers, who have already registered in 2022, please record your hours in the form linked below.