Spring Equinox Forest Therapy Walk
Come experience a spring equinox forest therapy walk at Gateway Nature Preserve to celebrate the beginning of the spring season. We will slowly walk no more than one mile and pause throughout to receive various invitations to seek relationship with the forest community with all our senses. Forest therapy is a growing global movement to connect spiritually with the earth, express reciprocity, and receive benefits for mind and body. We will focus on the season of expanding light and growth in the forest as well as the invitations for our own lives. Our guide will be Craig Schaub who has been trained by the Forest Therapy School and has been leading walks in the Winston-Salem community. The walk will cover paved and unpaved trails, so please be prepared with appropriate footwear.
This event is free but there is a suggested donation of $3-5. Any donation is very much appreciated and will be used to continue our mission. You can make your donation at https://gatewaynaturepreserve.org/support/donate